
When Toilet Training is not Simple

Toilet training is not simple for all children. Some continue to have accidents after they are 4 years old, others are constipated or soil themselves. These issues can have a major impact on family dynamics, schooling and of course on the child’s self-esteem.


Toilet Training Children with Special Needs

Children with special needs have the same needs for toilet training as children who are mainstream. Toilet training is a milestone that can mean the difference between being able to socialise or not. It means the difference of many thousands of dollars in continence products. And over time it means many hours less of physical care needed daily.Here are some frequently asked questions about toilet training these special kids;


Continence Questions and Answers for Men

A collection of commonly asked questions concerning male related continence.


Continence After Childbirth

After childbirth it is not unusual for women to experience some bladder leakage. Bladder leakage – no matter how light- is not normal. Most cases can be cured or better managed.


Chronic Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is pain in the area around the sexual organs or inside the pelvis. It can occur in either men or women. Pelvic pain becomes chronic pelvic pain when it has been present for more than 3 months.


Pelvic Floor Exercises for Women

The pelvic floor is the area between you and disaster. It is a thin layer of muscles and other tissue that spans the bottom of the pelvis between the tailbone at the back and the pubic bone at the front.It supports the bladder, the uterus (womb) and the bowel (colon). It has 3 openings: the urethra (urine tube) the vagina and the anus (back passage). The pelvic floor muscles help to control these openings as well as playing a role during sex. Having a strong pelvic floor helps to prevent many issues.